Friday, August 19, 2011

Organics and Non-GMO Foods Delivered To Your Doorstep-- For Less!

Join the OCA-Endorsed National Buying Club for Organic and Non-GMO Foods: The Green Polka Dot Box

Readers both near and far, please take the opportunity to check this out.  It may be the newest, best way to get organic, non-GMO food and groceries for 30-50% less than retail prices.  Definitely worth looking into to get the good stuff for less $$.
Click on the link above or below for more information:

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Eco-Stepping from the Inside Out

Hi and Happy August.  Where is the summer going?  I'm not really sure, but I know that it is flying by at lightning speed.  Many of us live our lives at such a pace that we seemingly catch ourselves coming and going at the door and we don't take the opportunity to think about what is good for us.  What ever happened to the "lazy days" of summer?  (Did they ever really exist?)  Which brings me to my topic of Eco-Stepping from the inside out.  Many of my posts are about saving energy, money, and doing good things for the environment around us.  This time I am focusing more on slowing down and taking time to reflect upon the environment within us.